NOV-2024Received USD 1.5M order from a major semi-conductor R&D company for complete Gas and Vacuum Piping
OCT-2024Gujarat Gas approval is received for DK-Lok Products
SEP-2024Received a big order from a space company for 400bar Oxygen Test rigs
AUG-2024Warehouse and Fabrication facilities moved to Makali, Bangalore
FEB-2024Received USD 2M order for setting up CNG stations for one of our reputed CNG Public sector company
OCT-2023Received a big order from a space company for 400bar Helium Test rigs
Why Techsol?
Techsol Engineers is a solution provider in the field of Process and Instrumentation. With a wide a range of products from the world renowned suppliers, we always offer our customers a solution that is the best.
In addition to product supplies, we do offer a range of services including Design Support, Integration, Site Installation, Safety Training, Consultancy etc.